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In order to safeguard the privacy of customers, Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited is committed to apply and follow the principles and requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486). Our policy and process in relating to the collection, use, retention and access of customer's data are complied with such Ordinance. All our staff are instructed to respect the privacy of customers and will not make disclosure to any unauthorised person or party.

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This site may not contain the most current information relating to Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited. The information contained on this site is current as of the date of publication. The Company accepts no responsibility for the completeness of information and undertakes no obligation to update any of the information available on this site. All information provided on this site is for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. The Company does not warrant the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of such information. Under no circumstances shall Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited, and/or its affiliates be liable for any loss or damages resulting from the use of the information provided on this website.

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