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22-12-2019 精選 Featured

"The 2nd Robotics Competition For University Students In Heilongjiang Province" To Be Held in Qiqihar City in April 2020

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「黑龍江省第二屆大學生機器人運動大會」將於明年4月在齊齊哈爾市舉辦


Robot Sports, Competition

10-08-2019 精選 Featured

Grand Opening of the 3rd National China Robot Competition

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「嘉峪關·神通杯」第三屆全國機器人運動大賽盛大開幕

111511348 731056

111643321 145723

111730561 638772

Competition, China Communication Cup, Robot Sports

16-04-2019 精選 Featured

The 3rd National China Robot Competition Will Be Held In August 2019 In Jiayuguan City, Gansu Province

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「嘉峪關·神通杯」第三屆全國機器人運動大賽8月嘉峪關「開戰」

171221750 633605

Robot Sports, China Communication, Competition

11-02-2019 精選 Featured

Harbin Robotics Dance Performance Event in Chinese New Year

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 哈爾濱「迎新年」人形機器人舞蹈表演主題活動

144727852 949382

Robotics Dance


Robot Competition Held in Harbin Primary School

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 哈爾濱市香坊小學第二屆機器人比賽成功舉行

173920232 41838

Robot Sports, Competition


Robot Competition Held in Harbin Primary School

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 哈爾濱市香安小學第五屆機器人比賽亮點十足

090256999 39373

Robot Sports, Competition


The 3rd National China Robot Competition Closes Successfully

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「嘉峪關·神通杯」第三屆全國機器人運動大賽勝利閉幕

185223928 8574

China Communication Cup, Robot Sports, Competition


Robotics Polo at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

Robotics Polo at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

151650185 714589

(Source: www.suzhitiyu.com)

Competition, China Communication Cup, Robotics Polo


"Plug-in" Robotics Football at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

“Plug-in” Robotics Football at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

174500481 289747

(Source: www.suzhitiyu.com)

Competition, China Communication Cup, Plugin, Robotics Football


Robotics Obstacle Race at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

Robotics Obstacle Race at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

175247216 784375

(Source: www.suzhitiyu.com)

Competition, China Communication Cup, Robotics Obstacle Race


Humanoid Robot Soccer at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

Humanoid Robot Soccer at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

092053183 996593

(Source: www.suzhitiyu.com)

Robot Sports, Competition, China Communication Cup


UAV Missions at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

UAV Missions at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

183902632 320907

(Source: www.suzhitiyu.com)

Competition, China Communication Cup, UAV


UAV Synchronised Queue Race at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

UAV Synchronised Queue Race at the 3rd National China Robot Competition

153406603 33778

(Source: www.suzhitiyu.com)

Competition, China Communication Cup, UAV


Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Competition Successfully Held in Harbin

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 哈市中小學生資訊技術綜合比賽順利舉行

155203775 791656

Robot Sports, Competition

19-08-2018 精選 Featured

"China Communication Cup" 1st National Robotic Football Competition Held Successfully

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「神通杯」第一屆全國機器人足球公開賽隆重開幕

124340337 901702


China Communication Cup, Robot Sports, Competition, Robotics Football

29-01-2018 精選 Featured

Heilongjiang Robot Sports Association's 2018 Exchange Session was Successfully Held

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 黑龍江省機器人運動協會2018年交流會圓滿召開

182027738 52014

Competition, Robot Sports


China Robot Sports Daqing Science & Technology Museum Was Awarded the "Heilongjiang Science Education Demonstration Base"

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 中國機器人運動大慶科技館被授予「黑龍江省科普教育示範基地」


Robot Sports, Science & Technology Museum


The "China Mobile Cup" Youth Robotics Competition Held Successfully

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「中國移動杯」青少年機器人創意大賽成功舉辦

160633858 229477



4,000 Students Participated in Intelligent Robot Competitions Held at Harbin

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 黑龍江省4,000名大中小學生在哈爾濱競技智能機器人

c35a53829c03ca7 w800 h600

01de23f51f181ae w800 h533

Competition, Robot Sports


"Daqing's First Robot Exhibition" Officially Launched in October 2018

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「大慶首屆機器人展」正式啟動

112354964 41607

Robot Sports


UAV Training for Environmental Monitoring

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 無人機培訓走進黑龍江墾區環保局

115327327 145024



"China Communication Cup" 1st National Robotic Football Competition Snapshot

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「神通杯」第一屆全國機器人足球公開賽精彩紛呈

21343878 381192


110859115 349947

China Communication Cup, Robot Sports, Competition, Robotics Football


Harbin Vocational College of Science and Technology's Land Robot Team Preparing for CRC Competition

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 哈爾濱科學技術職業學院積極備戰機器人大賽

091848686 348009

Robot Sports, Competition

22-08-2017 精選 Featured

"Dezhou -China Communication Cup" The 2nd National Robot Sports Competition Unveiled

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「德州·神通杯」第二屆全國機器人運動大賽揭幕

141331381 985455

Competition, China Communication Cup

27-03-2017 精選 Featured

S Robot EDU (8206.HK) to Benefit fom The National Policy

Source: Sing Pao Daily News

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 神通機器人教育(8206.HK)受惠國策

Singpao 20170327

10-03-2017 精選 Featured

S Robot EDU (8206.HK) to Benefit fom The Rise of China's Robot Industry

Source: Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 國內掀機器人熱潮 神通機器人教育(8206.HK)前景廣闊

HKCD 20170310

09-02-2017 精選 Featured

S Robot EDU Plans to Transfer to Main Board in Future

Source: Ta Kung Pao

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 神通首三季扭虧冀未來轉主板掛牌

09-02-2017 精選 Featured

S Robot EDU (08206) with Growth Potential

Source: Ta Kung Pao

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 神通機器人教育有錢途



The 6th Quality Robot League Qualification Held Successfully in Daqing City

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 大慶市第六屆素質體育機器人積分聯賽海選賽拉開帷幕

140514177 591709



"Zhengding-China Communication Cup" The First National Youth Professional Robotics Competition Successfully Held

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 首屆「正定·神通杯」全國青少年職業機器人運動基礎大賽成功舉行

14433679 793148

Robot Sports, Competition


The 2nd National China Robot Competition Will Be Held in August 2017 in Shandong Province

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 第二屆全國機器人運動大賽將於2017年8月在山東省舉行

Robot Sports, Competition, China Communication Cup


Promoting Robot Competitions in Harbin City (Binxian), Heilongjiang

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 哈爾濱市賓縣積極開展機器人賽事活動

083722254 364001

Competition, Land Robots, Robotics Obstacle Race


Land Robotics Obstacle Race Successfully Held at Daqing Training Centre, Heilongjiang Province

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 陸地機器人障礙賽在大慶培訓中心成功舉行

Land Robots


A Perfect Ending of 2016 Heilongjiang "China Communication Cup" Robot League Finals

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 2016年黑龍江省「神州通信杯」機器人運動聯賽總決賽完美落幕

110552243 475806

China Communication Cup, Robot Sports, Competition


"China Communication Cup" The First National Youth Professional Robotics Competition to Be Held in December 2016

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 「神州通信杯」第一屆全國青少年職業機器人運動基礎大賽將於201612月隆重舉辦

180819444 384604

Robot Sports, Competition, China Communication Cup


Land Robots Showcased at Mudanjiang Secondary Sports Day

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 陸地機器人亮相牡丹江中學生運動會

120838464 481580

Land Robots, Sports Day


Concluding Ceremony and Award Presentation Ceremony of China Robot Sports Held in Harbin City

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 中國機器人運動工作總結表彰大會在哈爾濱隆重召開

1648183 984087


Robot Sports, Competition, School Sports League


2016 Heilongjiang "China Communication Cup" Robot League Selection Snapshot

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 2016年黑龍江省「神州通信杯」機器人運動聯賽選拔賽花絮

Selection in Harbin City

101915148 67912

Selection in Daqing City

101953775 333539

Bin County, Harbin City

102026774 69457


Robot Sports, China Communication Cup, Competition, Land Robots


2016 Heilongjiang "China Communication Cup" Robot League Competition Held Successfully in Bin County, Harbin City

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 2016年黑龍江省「神州通信杯」機器人運動聯賽 哈爾濱市賓縣賽區備受關注

16385913 784229


Robot Sports, China Communication Cup, Competition, Land Robots


China Communication Telecom Services Company Limited Announces 2016/17 Q1 Results

China Communication Telecom Services Company Limited (8206.HK) announces its first quarter results for the three months ended 30 June 2016.

1Q16 E

Mr. He Chenguang, Chairman of the Company said, We are very pleased towards the revenue contribution from the CRC business during the first quarter, which is in line with the Group’s development strategy. It is a testimony of the achievements of our proactive new business expansion and new income source.

For the three months ended 30 June 2016, the Group recorded consolidated revenue of approximately HK$17,055,000, representing an increase of approximately 108.4% as compared to the same period in 2015. The increase was mainly attributable to the organisation of China Robot Competition (“CRC”) and relevant education and training courses (the “CRC business”) in Heilongjiang Province upon the completion of the acquisition on 16 May 2016. Revenue from the CRC business between 17 May 2016 and 30 June 2016 has been included in the Group’s consolidated results for the first quarter of 2016/17, while profit after tax from the CRC business was approximately HK$2,600,000 during the period. The CRC business successfully broadened the Group’s revenue base and realised the Group’s aim of optimising business operation. Loss attributable to owners of the Company during the period was approximately HK$1,737,000 (Q1 2015/16: loss of approximately HK$3,096,000). Excluding the professional fee incurred for the acquisition, the adjusted profit attributable to owners of the Company was approximately HK$700,000 for the period.

CRC business with revenue contribution to the Group in just over a month after the acquisition, represents a good start for the Group’s business operation optimisation. Looking ahead, the Group will continue to endeavor in the expansion of CRC business and business network development so as to strengthen the overall operating capability of the Group.The Group actively develops its three business pillars, including the expansion of CRC Business; preparation of school-based robot teaching in the PRC (“CQE Business”); and promotion of Shentong Card and usage of CRC Shentong Card. With growing reputation and status of the CRC events, and the accelerating number of participants in robot training courses in the PRC, it is expected that income from the CRC business will continue to increase.


Results Announcement


Approving the Change of Company Name to "Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited"

China Communication Telecom Services Company Limited (8206.HK) announced that the special resolution on the change of company name has been approved at the AGM held on 5 August 2016, to better reflect the Group’s current business and its direction of future development.

Mr. He Chenguang, Chairman of the Company said, “The new company name will better reflect our future business development direction. We will closely monitor potential opportunities for acquisition and market expansion, to capture the continuous growth opportunities in the robot education market in the PRC and continue to expand our business.”

The special resolution of the change of the English name of the Company to “Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited”, and to adopt the Chinese name “神通機器人教育集團有限公司” as the dual foreign name of the Company was passed during the AGM on 5 August. The new name will provide the Company with a more appropriate corporate image and identity which will benefit the Group’s future development. The change of company name will not affect any rights of the shareholders of the Company or the Company’s daily operations or its financial position. All the existing share certificates in issue bearing the present name of the Company will, after the proposed change of company name having become effective, continue to be effective and as documents of title to the shares of the Company.


Shentong Robot Education


Propose to Rename As Business Restructuring

Source: Sina.com

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 融慧財經:神通電信擬改名機器人教育 引發重整預期


Robot Teaching, Robot Sports


2016 Smart Robot Competition "Harbin Bank Cup" Held Successfully

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 2016年黑龍江省「哈爾濱銀行杯」智能機器人競賽成功舉行

113859902 420655




2016 Drone Pilot Training Course for Retired Athletes in Heilongjiang Organised In Harbin City

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 2016年黑龍江省退役運動員無人機飛控師培訓班在哈爾濱開班

UAV, Robot Sports


Robot Sports Showcased at Harbin University Sports Day

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 中國機器人運動哈爾濱學院職業俱樂部隊員運動會上展風采

Robot Sports, Competition


National Youth Robotics Competition Southern Region's Preliminary Selection Contest Held in Jiangsu

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 全國青少年機器人大賽南方地區選拔賽在江蘇盛大舉行

Robot Sports


First Universal Robotics Competition in Zhejiang Province Held in Hangzhou City

Please refer to Chinese Version.

Title: 首屆浙江省大學生機器人競賽在杭舉行


Robot Sports, Competition

04-11-2016 精選 Featured

Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited Announces 2016/17 Interim Results

Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited announced its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2016.

1H E

For the six months ended 30 September 2016, the Group recorded consolidated revenue of approximately HK$42,600,000, a significant increase of 155.3% compared to the same period last year, mainly attributable to the organisation of China Robot Competition (“CRC”) and relevant education and training courses in Heilongjiang Province (the “CRC Business”) upon the completion of the acquisition on 16 May 2016. Loss attributable to owners of the Company during the period significantly decreased to approximately HK$1,949,000 (1H 2015/16: loss of approximately HK$8,425,000). The adjusted profit attributable to owners of the Company was approximately HK$500,000 for the period, excluding professional fees incurred for the related share purchase of the acquisition. In the four and a half months after the completion of the acquisition, the CRC Business has already made revenue contributions to the Group. Profit before tax from the CRC Business was approximately HK$10,976,000 during the period, reflecting its strong growth potential. In addition, the Group changed its name to “Shentong Robot Education Group Company Limited”, with the view to better benefit the Group’s development, and catering to the new CRC Business and new corporate image.

Mr. He Chenguang, Chairman of the Company Limited, said, “The CRC Business is an important part of the Group’s development strategy, while also demonstrating the achievement of our efforts in tapping the new business. We are glad that the CRC Business has already made revenue contributions to our interim results in four and a half months after the acquisition, and recorded a continuous growth momentum. Looking ahead to the second half of the fiscal year, we will further grasp the market potential of robot sports to introduce more CRC competitions and strengthen the promotion of competitions, in order to further develop CRC training courses business. In the year ahead, the Group will further consolidate the development of its CRC Business through the organisation of various CRC competitions, which will effectively enhance the reputation and popularity of robot sports and relevant trainings in Heilongjiang Province, as well as increase the number of participants in CRC training courses and competitions, so as to strengthen the Group’s business development.”

Results Announcement

16-05-2016 精選 Featured

China Communication Telecom Services Company Limited Receives Exclusive Rights to Organise CRC and Relevant Trainings in Heilongjiang Province

On 16 May 2016, China Communication Telecom Services Company Limited (8206.HK) Successfully Completed the acquisition of Target Group in Heilongjiang, receiving the exclusive right to organise China Robot Competition (“CRC”) and relevant training courses in Heilongjiang Province (collectively, the “CRC Business”). The acquisition will bring about increased economic benefits to the Company with the addition of a new revenue source.

Mr. He Chenguang, Chairman of the Company said, “We are very pleased with the successful completion of the acquisition, which is in line with the expected development strategic layout of the Company. The acquisition is a result of our active business development. The CRC Business will be a key growth driver of the Company, as we own the priority to acquire CRC business in relevant provinces from our parent company. We will also pay close attention to potential business opportunities to set a solid foundation for the continuous development of the CRC Business.”

Acquisition, Robot Sports